Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Well you see chancellor the earth is a tiny Life supporting planet that has somehow, someway, developed semi sentient Life forms that call them selves human... They think and have far above standard animal problem solving skills...
On the other hand... They're made of meat... Thats right...Meat.. not sentient crystals... Not a conscious cloud of gas with a mineral core... Meat...

Its like peacefully trying to work with and coexist with spam... I fear this... Hell they've Even enslaved a dull witted demi-race of silicon based life forms called Compu Tors... they tear them apart and change them at will then run them till they die.. or become "obsolete"..

In this counselors opinion we should bar these short lived meat bags from joining our union of civilized worlds until they prove to have SOME redeeming value....

Thank you.


Ivory said...

on the flip side, being made of meat means that we are biodegradable...unlike most Compu Tors

Ivory said...

ok you have to read this:
it starts off kinda slow and there are some spelling issues, but just read it all the way to the end. It's hilarious.