Wednesday, February 14, 2007


*Clears Throat*


So I did manage to finish my project late last night. Thats good
I managed to present it well Despite my lack of sleep. Also good
I finnaly Figured out what Im doing and should soon have an internship someplace in the cities. Three for three here.

My Gf has perpetual bad days.........
....... Damnit so close

well the big part is tonight I sleep For like 7 hours I sleep ... WOOOOOO HOOOO I dont often think so favorably about the Rather high percentage of human life is spent in repose... I guess It dosn't always seem as beutiful tho.... Sleep now think tomorrow.


b.mro said...

It wasn't really much of a bad day at all. Just an asthma attack.

Ivory said...

you're way ahead of me....stop it