Saturday, February 10, 2007


Blog review. The Third

The Peep Blog
That's right, a blog dedicated entirely to the eternally present marshmallow peeps making their yearly wave assault upon supermarkets and chain superstores across the land.

Filter/ Notebook/ Or Journal? : I'm going to say a bit of notebook and journal combined as it tends to detail some of the interaction of the bloggers with the Marshmallow peeps. and the bizarre experiment they conduct with said marshmallow implements.

Genre?: Personal With a strong dose of humor. How could it not be with this topic

Purpose?: self expression of a personal interest . The topic takes many bizzare twists as the subject continues. Topics like cooking with peeps where the author prepares the peeps in... interesting ways. Begining with ways to cook them that would in all cases invariably result in the destruction of said peeps if done wrong as well as... Poaching peeps which I find somewhat nauseating. As well as a set of posts treating the peeps as a natural resource and a naturally occuring plant that must be watched and looked after to presewrve thier numbers for future generations. To a segment called "Peep my ride" where it a practical joke is played on the recipiant and the peeps are affixed through whatever means in semi artistic patterns...

I like this site and enjoyed the off sens of humor inherant to it.. The downside i realized after reading into the archives a short way is that it has been quite some time scine its last update. I think its a shame honestly that this has been seemingly abandoned but hope that it may be restarted at a later date.

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